What is the category of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth ?
The category of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth is Fixed Income - Money Market
What is the current NAV of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth ?
The current NAV of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth
(as on Mar 24, 2025) is
₹ 6,969.25
How safe is UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth?
The risk level of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth is Moderate .
What are short term returns given by UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth?
The return given by UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth in
1 month is 0.65%,
3 months is 1.93%,
6 months is 3.70%,
and 1 year is 7.43%.
What are the long term returns given by UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth?
The return given by UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth in
3 years is 6.51% and
5 years is 5.75%.
What is the expense ratio of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth?
The expense ratio of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth is
0.27 %
What is the AUM of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth
The assets under Management (AUM) of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth is
Rs 18,083.13 crores.
What is the minimum investment in UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth?
The minimum Lumpsum investment in UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth is
and the minimum SIP investment in UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth is ₹10000
What is the asset allocation of UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth?
The UTI Money Market Fund-Discontinued - Regular Plan -Growth has an exposure of
in Debt
in Cash
& Money Market Securities