Other Debt Investments
Apart from PPF, debt covers options such as bank fixed deposits, small saving schemes, bonds and debt mutual funds. While it's certainly not a good idea to binge on such low risk, low returns options, an ideal asset portfolio will make place for them to ensure assured income at fixed intervals.
Also, to prepare for unforeseen events, the first thing you should do is set up a contingency fund, a corpus that can take care of three to six months' of expenses. You can put this money in a liquid fund as it gives better returns than money in a savings bank account.
Proper asset allocation is key to all kinds of financial empowerment. Even the highest-returns generating assets like equity funds can be of no use unless you do prudent asset allocation. Here's an easy way to figure out an age-appropriate asset allocation mix: Your allocation to debt funds must be equal to your age. Put another way, to find out what proportion of your investment needs to be in equities, just subtract your current age from 100.