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Irda to assign identity number to hospitals

Irda to assign identity number to hospitals

The regulator, in collaboration with the Insurance Information Bureau, has started a project for compiling data of hospitals across the country and allocating them with a unique number.
Soon, the hospital in your locality will be identified by a unique identity number given by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) of India, the insurance regulator.

The regulator, in collaboration with the Insurance Information Bureau (IIB), has started a project for compiling data of hospitals across the country and allocating them with a unique number. The objective of the project is to collect information about charges for different medical procedures.

IIB has already zeroed in on 30,000 hospitals for giving unique identity numbers. The number will be based upon PIN code of the locality in which the hospital is, its name and address.

The project will cover over 380,000 hospitals initially across the country.
