Container volumes grew 31% Y-o-Y to 15.8 million tonnes in March 2021.
Cargo volumes of POL at major ports increased by 2% on Y-o-Y basis in March 2021 to 20.6 million tonnes.
Cargo volumes of iron ore increased to 8.1 million tonnes in March 2021 from 5 million tonnes in March 2020.
Cargo volume of fertilisers at major ports increased by 157% in March 2021 as compared to March 2020.
Major port volumes of coal remained constant in March 2021 with March 2020 at 15 million tonnes.
Cargo volumes at major ports grew 16% Y-o-Y in March 21 (2-year CAGR 5.1%) with sustained recovery in volumes. SHIVANI SHARMA, PRAGATI SRIVASTAVA