Total revenue receipts of the government during the fiscal is estimated at Rs 16.3 lakh crore, 3 per cent lower than the previous year but almost 5 per cent higher than the revised estimate of FY21.
Disinvestment proceeds for the year stood at Rs 0.33 lakh crore in FY21, 35 per cent lower than the previous year but in line with the revised estimates for the year.
Total expenditure of the central government is estimated at Rs 35.1 lakh crore, 1.8 per cent more than the revised estimate of FY21 and almost 30.7 per cent more than the previous year.
Both revenue and capital expenditure have increased in double digits of 31.4 per cent and 26.2 per cent, respectively. Revenue expenditure is 2.5 per cent higher than the revised estimate for FY21.
The growth in capital expenditure has been on account of sharp growth in transfer to states (177 per cent), roads, transports, highways (30 per cent), defence (21 per cent), and Railways (61 per cent).