How's economic condition of states going to assembly polls

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How's economic condition of states going to assembly polls

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In terms of size of the economy, Tamil Nadu's economy is the largest (3rd largest in India), followed by West Bengal (6th), Kerala (11th), Assam (17th) and Puducherry (26th).

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Assam has witnessed the highest average economic growth of 8.6 per cent during the four-year period to FY20. Tamil Nadu's economic growth in this period averaged 8 per cent while West Bengal and Puducherry's economy grew at the same pace of the nation i.e. by an average 6.7 per cent.

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The southern regions i.e. Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry are more affluent with their per- capita-income. The per-capita income of Puducherry and Kerala is Rs.2.22 lakhs each and that of Tamil Nadu is Rs.2.19 lakhs.

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Assam and West Bengal have low self-reliance with only 38 per cent and 42 per cent of their income coming from own sources (tax and non-tax receipts). Tamil Nadu has high self-reliance with nearly 70 per cent of its revenues being accounted from its own sources.

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Apart from Kerala, inflation in the other four regions has been higher than the national average of 5 per cent in February'21. Price pressures have been acute in the case of Puducherry (8 per cent), Tamil Nadu (7.2 per cent) and Assam (6.5 per cent) during this period.

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Unemployment is the highest in case of West Bengal at 6.2 per cent and the lowest in the case of Assam at 3.4 per cent in Feb 2021. In case of Puducherry, it has been high at 5.8 per cent.
Story: Shivani Sharma
Design: Mohsin Shaikh