India records above normal rainfall in 2020

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India records above normal rainfall in 2020

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All India monsoon seasonal rainfall during 1 June to 30 September 2020 has been 95.8 cm against the long period average of 88 cm based on data of 1961-2010.  Long Period Average (LPA): Average rainfall during a 50-year period.

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Considering the recent years since 1990, the seasonal rainfall this year was third highest, after 112 per cent of LPA in 1994 and 110 per cent of LPA in 2019.

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Also, 2019 and 2020 are the two consecutive years with above normal monsoon rainfall, after 1958 (110 per cent of LPA) and 1959 (114 per cent of LPA).

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Considering four broad homogenous regions of India, monsoon rain during 2020 has been 106 per cent, 84 per cent, 115 per cent & 129 per cent of LPA over East and North-East, North-West, Central and South India, respectively. The rains were  excess over Central and South India, normal over East and North East India and deficient over North West India.

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Out of 36 meteorological subdivisions, 2 subdivisions received large excess, 13 received excess and 16 subdivisions received normal monsoon rainfall during 2020, while only 5 subdivisions saw deficient rainfall.

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The five subdivisions which got deficient rains were Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura (- 32 per cent), West Uttar Pradesh (-37 per cent), Uttarakhand (-20 per cent), Himachal Pradesh (- 26 per cent), Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh (-34 per cent).
Story: Niti Kiran
Design: Pragati Srivastava