All India monsoon seasonal rainfall during 1 June to 30 September 2020 has been 95.8 cm against the long period average of 88 cm based on data of 1961-2010. Long Period Average (LPA): Average rainfall during a 50-year period.
Considering the recent years since 1990, the seasonal rainfall this year was third highest, after 112 per cent of LPA in 1994 and 110 per cent of LPA in 2019.
Also, 2019 and 2020 are the two consecutive years with above normal monsoon rainfall, after 1958 (110 per cent of LPA) and 1959 (114 per cent of LPA).
Considering four broad homogenous regions of India, monsoon rain during 2020 has been 106 per cent, 84 per cent, 115 per cent & 129 per cent of LPA over East and North-East, North-West, Central and South India, respectively. The rains were excess over Central and South India, normal over East and North East India and deficient over North West India.
Out of 36 meteorological subdivisions, 2 subdivisions received large excess, 13 received excess and 16 subdivisions received normal monsoon rainfall during 2020, while only 5 subdivisions saw deficient rainfall.