Sowing of Rabi crop has crossed average annual sown area much before the end of the sowing season. Area sown under Rabi crops was higher by 2.9 per cent compared to the area sown in the same period a year ago. Shivani Sharma, Pragati Srivastava
Area sown under Rabi crops is expected to rise but the expansion is unlikely to be as high as seen during the kharif season. Sowing of food grains under Rabi crops increased 2.4% on YoY basis.
All major coarse cereals sown during the Rabi season including jowar, maize and barley recorded a decline in area sown.
Area sown under pulses touched 15.5 million hectares. This is higher by 4.7 per cent compared to a year ago.
Rapeseed & mustard are the main oilseed produced during the Rabi season. At 8.1 million hectares, the sown area has already crossed last year's 7.5 million hectares.