The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended against the general use of Ivermectin forĀ Covid-19 treatment. The drug is typically used for treatment of parasitic roundworm infections. However, some health experts believe it has shown benefits against Covid-19 too. Scientists from the UK, Italy, Spain and Japan claim a significant reduction in mortality, time to recovery and viral clearance in COVID-19 patients treated with Ivermectin. A scientific research paper has also claimed that global Ivermectin use can break the coronavirus chain and reduce the risk of contracting the deadly virus. Meanwhile, German healthcare giant Merck, echoing WHO, has said no scientific basis has been found on Ivermectin's potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19.
What is Ivermectin?
Ivermectin has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a prescription medicine against parasitic roundworm infections. Mostly, it's administered to patients with intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis. The common antiparasitic Ivermectin is being hailed as a possible cure for Covid-19 by doctors and other care experts across the world. A peer-reviewed research paper, written by three US government senior scientists, published in the American Journal of Therapeutics (AJT), claimed that Ivermectin is effective prophylaxis and treatment for Covid-19.
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Ivertin effect on Covid-19 patients
Scientists claim the regular use of Ivermectin can cut the risk of contracting coronavirus. The AJT research paper, which is the most comprehensive review of the data available on Ivermectin so far, also suggests the regular use of Ivermectin can reduce the risk of contracting Covid-19 . The research paper analysed three RCTs (randomised controlled trials) and five observational controlled trials, including 2,500 patients. Scientists also claim Ivermectin can lead to a significant reduction in mortality, recovery time and viral clearance.
How safe is Ivermectin?
Though approval for the drug as a possible cure against coronavirus is still at the research level. The FDA is yet to review the data related to Covid-19 patients given Ivermectin. Also, the FDA has warned against the consumption of Ivermectin in large quantities.
Also read: Govt issues new guidelines for home isolation of mild, asymptomatic COVID-19 cases
WHO warning against use of Ivermectin
Dr Soumya Swaminathan, WHO chief scientist, said safety and efficacy are important when using any drug for a new indication, which is why it recommends against using Ivermectin. "Safety and efficacy are important when using any drug for a new indication. WHO recommends against use of 'ivermectin' for COVID-19 except within clinical trials," she tweeted.
German healthcare and life sciences giant Merck also issued similar warning, saying scientists are still examining the findings of all available and emerging studies of Ivermectin against Covid-19. ", our analysis has identified: No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies; no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and; a concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies," it said.
Goa to offer Ivermectin to all adults
All over the age of 18 years in Goa will be allowed to use Ivermectin drug irrespective of their coronavirus status to bring down mortality, state health minister Vishwajit Rane has said. The minister said this treatment would not prevent COVID-19 infection but it can help reduce the severity. "The Ivermectin 12 mg tablet will be made available in all the district, sub-district, PHCs, CHCs, sub-health centres, rural dispensaries for people to collect and start treatment immediately, irrespective of any symptoms or anything," Rane said. Goa on Monday recorded 2,804 new cases of coronavirus, taking its tally to 1,21,650, while 50 more fatalities pushed the toll to 1,729.
Edited by Manoj Sharma with PTI inputs
Also read: Remdesivir for COVID-19 patients: No evidence of anti-viral drug's effectiveness, says WHO