In response to an increase in coronavirus infections recorded throughout the nation, the Health Ministry on Saturday announced a new set of guidelines. The administration also called out poor Covid-19 testing in some states.
The health ministry issued a warning, stressing the importance of maintaining optimal Covid-19 testing evenly distributed across the states (with appropriate adjustments to meet the appearance of new clusters of Covid cases).
The communication sent to states and UTs reads, “In the past several weeks, in some states, Covid-19 testing has declined, and the current testing levels are insufficient compared to the standards prescribed by WHO, i.e. 140 tests/million. Testing at the level of districts and blocks also varies, with some states heavily relying on the less sensitive rapid antigen tests.”
“This is especially important to identify any emerging hotspots and take pre-emptive steps to curb virus transmission,” the statement added.
According to government directions, coronavirus and influenza have several similar characteristics in terms of mode of transmission, clinical signs and symptoms.
The health ministry said in a statement, “While this may present a clinical dilemma for the attending doctors in terms of diagnosis, this also renders both these diseases easily preventable by following simple public health measures like avoiding overcrowded and poorly ventilated settings, maintaining hand hygiene, etc."
The Union Health Ministry also requested the states to prepare their hospitals, including the availability of drugs, beds, especially intensive care unit beds, medical equipment, medical oxygen, and human resource capacity building according to current norms as well as vaccination coverage.
The order stated that a nationwide mock drill is planned for April 10 and 11, wherein health facilities, both public and private, from all districts are expected to participate.
The order stated that health facilities, both public and private, from all districts are expected to participate in a nationwide mock drill scheduled for April 10 and 11. The details of this mock drill will be given to the states via a virtual meeting on 27th March.