8 money-saving tips for small town people working in big cities


8 money-saving tips for small town people working in big cities

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Find a roommateAccommodation is one of the biggest expenses for residents in big cities. If you're living by yourself, consider finding a roommate as you will end up halving all your expenses plus you'll have some company too. Living with others, provided they are people you like, also helps provide an easy social outlet.

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Make a monthly budgetThis doesn't have to be a complicated number-crunching exercise. A simple planner in your mobile will suffice. The idea is to keep track of your monthly expenses and plug any unnecessary spending. Start by listing your fixed expenditure like transportation cost, food, etc, and keep aside money for these. The balance can then be used for discretionary expenses like shopping, gifting or partying.

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Food can be expensiveUsually, food prices in big cities are above average compared to smaller towns which are near agricultural areas. Even if your city has relatively modest grocery prices, you'll likely be tempted by the wide variety of great restaurant choices that big cities offer. Cutting back on eating out will always save money, but if you have to eat on-the-go once in a while, choose wisely. You will always find shops that provide healthy and not-too-expensive meals. Also you can try and cook at home whenever you get the time.

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Plan your shoppingBig cities offer a lot of high-end shopping choices, but if you partake, they will destroy your budget. Don't go shopping for fun, unless you are trolling your favorite thrift store for steals. With all the shopping temptations surrounding you, it's wise to make a list of items you absolutely need. Also try shopping from the plethora of retail markets online that are sure to offer great discounts, especially during festive seasons.

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Be smart about transportationAnother hack to beating the commuting hurdle is to simple carpool with a friend, colleague or a relative. Make use of the coupons or the vouchers provided by the cab companies. If your city has a good public transport network, all the more better as it is cheaper, safe and saves time.

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Credit cards Some credit cards offer 5-10 per cent cash backs when you book movie tickets and pay bills. Once accumulated it can be useful as it adds to your savings. Also avoid using credit cards too often as you may end up paying high interest rates.

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Use prepaid network connection Post-paid network comes with the convenience of tariff plans but work out to be more expensive when you get your bills at the end of the month. Switching to a pre-paid plan helps you stay in your limit and works out cheaper.

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Inexpensive entertainmentThe city's community centres offer several quality entertainment options which are also inexpensive. You can opt for musical performances, film festivals, art exhibits, theatre productions, dance recitals, sporting events and much more. Check out the local newspapers or websites to keep track of such events.