Even the rich have their peccadilloes - after all, when you have money in millions to spend, your tastes and hobbies are different from the hoi polloi.Las Vegas remains the favourite retreat for the rich as last year, three of the top five hotels, which were the favourite watering holes of the multi-millionaires - defined as those with net assets of $10 million or more - were located in the western US desert.
Indian Railways and India Tourism have their task cut out for 2018, as none of their four luxury train rides - Deccan Odyssey, The Golden Chariot, Palace on Wheels and Maharajas Express - featured in the top five rides for the multi-millionaires last year.
Collecting vintage stuff like art and cars, as also indulging in adventure sports topped the list of hobbies for the super rich - the only peaceful sporting activity making it to the list of top five being golf.In fact, at the end of 2017, HNWIs collectively held $75 billion worth of fine art.
Old is worth gold, if not gold itself, for the super rich, with $5 billion worth of classic cars being owned by HNWIs at the end of last year, despite a slowdown in the market for old cars.No surprises of course for the most favoured brand in a car collector's garage - the Ferrari, regardless of the year of manufacture.
For mere mortals, home may where the heart is, but for the super rich, home could also be where the money is, which in turn fuels a real estate price hike, though the last year saw prices declining in some major markets like London.