Private lender HDFC Bank has promoted Srinivasan Vaidyanathan to the office of Chief Financial Officer with immediate effect. Vaidyanathan earlier held the position of Group Head (Finance) in the bank. He would replace Sashidhar Jagdishan.
"The incumbent CFO of the Bank, Sashidhar Jagdishan would continue to head the Finance function, and shoulder additional responsibilities as in charge of the verticals of Legal & Secretarial, Human Resources, Corporate Communications, Infrastructure, Administration, Corporate Social Responsibility and 'Change Agent of the Bank'," HDFC Bank said in a stock exchange filing on Thursday.
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Vaidyanathan would continue to report to Jagdishan after his appointment as CFO, the bank said in its statement. Both would be 'Key Managerial Personnel' of HDFC Bank as per Companies Act, 2013 and the Regulations, it further added.
In his profile, HDFC Bank mentioned that Vaidyanathan is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Cost and Management Accountants of India and Licentiate of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He is also a Fellow of Association of International Accountants, United Kingdom and member of CMA, USA. He also holds an MBA degree.
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Vaidyanathan has worked across various geographies such as Singapore, Hong Kong and the US and industry segments covering banks, with a rich and varied experience of three decades covering business partnerships, controllership, cost management, tax and treasury management.