The Adani Group, in a damage control mode, has launched full-page ads on Punjab publications to counter allegations levelled against it amid farmers' protest. The company said that it is unfortunate the company is being defamed by vested interests.
The full-page ads say in big, bold letters, "Iss dushprachar ke khilaf awaaz uthaye. Sachayi jaaniye," (Raise your voice against propaganda. Learn the truth)
Adani Group says that the company's job is to safeguard the produce and to safely transport it to its destination. It says that they have never exploited the farmers through contract farming. The ad also says that it is unfortunate that a company that has been working towards the betterment of the farmers is being defamed by parties with vested interests.
It said that unlike what is floating around, the company does not buy grains from farmers. It merely provides its services to the Food Corporation of India (FCI) to safely manage and transport the produce. There are other companies that provide the same service, said Adani Group.
Unlike rumours that the Adani Group exploits the farmers through contract farming, the company has no association with contract farming, the ads say. "We only work in the infrastructure sector," said the group. The storage facilities made for the FCI are only meant to secure grains. "The company has no role in deciding the quantity of storage and pricing of grains as it is a service and infrastructure provider company only for FCI," it said.
It said that the company has also been accused of acquiring agricultural land on a large scale. Adani Group said that it has no intention of acquiring agricultural land. The necessary land allocated to the group is to construct storage infrastructure for the FCI, it said.
The group added that Adani Agri Logistics was established in 2005. Its sole purpose is to erect storage infrastructure that could save tonnes of grains from damage. The only entity that has any right over this product is the FCI that also decides the pricing of the same. Adani Group is responsible only for its security and storage services.
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