Infographic: Will credit rating agencies downgrade India to junk status?

Infographic: Will credit rating agencies downgrade India to junk status?

Top credit rating agencies have downgraded India but the country has managed to escape a 'Do Not Invest' tag, also called the junk status. Here's a look at what led to decline in India's sovereign ratings, and what it will take to reverse the trend

Moody's, S&P and Fitch - have downgraded India to their respective lowest investment grade
Mohsin Sheikh and Mudit Kapoor
  • Jun 26, 2020,
  • Updated Jun 26, 2020, 7:24 PM IST

Two out of top three credit rating agencies hold a negative outlook for India. All three of them - Moody's, S&P and Fitch - have downgraded the country to their respective lowest investment grade, dangerously close to the junk status. But some factors are in favor of India which may help turn the tide. This BusinessToday.In infographic explains the sorry state of India's credit status and what could make or break it in days to come.

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