Stealing From Our ChildrenBy Kamal K. Kothari andChitra ChandrashekharPAGES: 192PRICE: Rs 300Fortytwo Bookz Galaxy
The book, Stealing from our Children, highlights how in a rapidly changing scenario, with growing population and aspirations, our economic thoughts and practices have to change. How we have to combine the fundamental approach with psychological and educational approach to provide a good world for the future generations.
It draws attention to the daunting task of finding adequate food for an additional 2.6 billion people, emphasising that it would pose a serious challenge to the stability of a large number of nations. The authors give a clear message that perhaps we are living in a planet which is bursting at the seams.
The facts and figures stated in the book are glaring reminders that we are not planning for the well-being of our future generations. The depth, delivery and diversification in depicting the future scenario makes us ponder over the vital needs of the generations to come and what we are leaving behind for them.
It is discernible that two things will have a major impact on the future of planet Earth - population growth and growth in energy consumption. The book has three dedicated chapters dealing with the issues of fossil-based energy, metals and minerals, a warming planet and the impact that they will have in times to come. For example, it observes how the reserves of iron ore are depleting and the current rate of consumption can't match the supply.
The underlying theme of the book is how we are living for the moment and that what happens in the future does not concern us. Most of us cannot visualise the fate that awaits us and our progeny. We seem to believe in the invincibility of human knowledge and technology to solve all our problems, not realising that reversal of damage would be virtually impossible.
The chapters urge us to not forget that the environment sustains us, and is critical for our survival, and to not chase development goals blindly. It cautions that unless we make a paradigm shift in our economic thinking, we may, perhaps, fail to assess the stark future. On the one hand, we have to look to our present comforts and on the other hand, the future of our civilisation is at stake. Unless we tread the pragmatic path and make sacrifices, the tribulations faced by our youngsters will increase stupendously.
The choice is ours to make: either we continue to steal from our children and lead a better life now, or we leave behind a better world for them. ~