CBSE CTET Admit card 2019: TheĀ Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) 2019 admit cards on Friday. The CTET exam will be held across 2,942 centres in 104 cities on July 7, said a statement from the board. Candidates sitting for CTET 2019 exam can download their admit cards from
Steps to download CBSE CTET admit card 2019:
Step 1: Log on to the official
Step 2: Click on 'download admit card (Server1 /Server 2).
Step 3: Enter your credentials.
Step 4: Click on submit button.
Step 5: The result will be displayed on screen. Download the admit card.
Candidates need to score minimum 60 per cent to clear the CTET exam. However, qualifying the CTET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment, read the official notification.
The validity period of CTET 2019 certificate is seven years from the date of declaration of its result. Candidates who failed to qualify in CTET 2019 can appear for the exam as there is no restriction on the number of attempts. A person who has qualified CTET may also appear again for improving his/her score.
Those seeking jobs in central educational schools and institutions can appear for CTET. The CTET paper 1 is conducted for recruitment of teachers at primary level while the paper 2 is conducted for the secondary level.