Amid worsening air quality in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) area, the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) on Thursday implemented a new set of restrictions under the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) stage IV.
Delhi's air quality has deteriorated further and the prediction is that it is likely to remain in the 'severe' category till Saturday.
TheĀ GRAP is a set of anti-air pollution measures followed in Delhi. It classifies the air quality in the Delhi-NCR under four stages: Stage I - 'Poor' (AQI 201-300); Stage II - 'Very Poor' (AQI 301-400); Stage III - 'Severe' (AQI 401-450); and Stage IV - 'Severe Plus' (AQI >450).
The GRAP Stage IV's primary focus remains on vehicle restrictions, including entry of commercial trucks into Delhi, diesel commercial vehicles for intra-Delhi movements, non-BS VI passenger vans, and LMVs (Light Motor Vehicles) in Delhi.
In addition to this, various agencies responsible for implementing measures under GRAP and Pollution Control Boards (PCBs) of NCR and Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) have also been advised to ensure strict implementation of actions of Stage IV under GRAP during this period.
Furthermore, the commission has also appealed to children, the elderly, and those with respiratory, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, or other chronic diseases to avoid outdoor activities and stay indoors, as much as possible.
Here are the measures prescribed under GRAP stage IV:
However, industries like milk and dairy units and those involved in manufacturing life-saving medical equipment/ devices, drugs and medicines shall be exempted from the above restrictions.