Dating and social discovery service app Tinder has been in India for quite a some time now and though the company doesn't reveal number of users in the country, it has been claiming for a while that India is their largest market in Asia and among the top-5 growing markets worldwide. But the social structure and norms in India, which are not really receptive to the concept of dating are huge roadblock in the path of this industry, which in recent times has seen emergence of other players including home-grown Truly Madly, Woo and OkCupid. Tinder's India head Taru Kapoor, however, feels that the times are changing and they would continue to grow rapidly in the country. "Tinder, and online dating, has a huge potential to grow in India, driven by an increasingly tech-savvy, digital youth audience," Kapoor told Business Today."In the past, single Indians may have met potential dates mostly through family, friends, or colleagues. These days, people can increase their dating choices exponentially thanks to Tinder. More importantly, they are empowered to take complete control of their interactions all without the typical pressures and anxieties that come with meeting new people," she said. Launched in 2012, Tinder has presence in 196 countries and claims to be a top-10 lifestyle app. The app also recently rolled out a new update Tinder Social in India, the US and select other countries. The new feature allows users to plan activities together, create groups with one to three friends and make new friends too. "Just as dating is one part of your social life, going out with friends is another. Tinder Social is a new feature that enables users to create groups, meet new people and plan activities together. The new feature offers a great way to get out and connect with people that are going out," Kapoor said. Though some analysts are sceptical about this move given the fact that social planning apps have not really been successful so far, Tinder seems very confident. "We have scale - we have tens of millions of users all over the world. So, overnight you can get the power of Tinder and connect with others going out tonight in a way that was never possible in the past," she said. Tinder had beta-tested the feature in Australia and has made significant changes to it since the test-launch in Australia. "We found that people were using Tinder Social to figure out who was going out tonight, and where, so that they could meet up with other groups in the real world, in real time. That's the most important thing we learned from our test-launch: people wanted a better way to plan their night. For this launch, we changed the Tinder Social interface to simplify the user experience," she added.