SpaceX plans to
launch two paying passengers on a tourist trip around the moon next year using
a spaceship under development for NASA astronauts and a heavy-lift rocket yet
to be flown, the launch company announced on Monday.
Cape Canaveral,
Feb 28, 2017,
Updated Feb 28, 2017, 8:55 PM IST
SpaceX plans tolaunch two paying passengers on a tourist trip around the moon next year usinga spaceship under development for NASA astronauts and a heavy-lift rocket yetto be flown, the launch company announced on Monday.
The launch of the first privately funded tourist flightbeyond the orbit of the International Space Station is tentatively targeted forlate 2018, Space Exploration Technologies Chief Executive Elon Musk told reporterson a conference call.
Musk declined to identify the customers or say how much theywould pay to fly on the weeklong mission, except to say that it is "nobodyfrom Hollywood."
He also said the two prospective space tourists, who knoweach other, have put down a "substantial" deposit and would undergo"extensive training before going on the mission."
"I think there's a market for one or two of these peryear," he said, estimating that space tourist fares charged by SpaceXcould eventually contribute 10 to 20 percent of the company's revenue.
Plans call for SpaceX's two-person lunar venture to fly some300,000 to 400,000 miles (480,000 to 640,000 km) from Earth past the moonbefore Earth's gravity pulls the spacecraft back into the atmosphere for aparachute landing.
That trajectory would be similar to NASA's 1968 Apollo 8 missionbeyond the moon and back. Musk also said that if NASA decides it wants to be first inline for a lunar flyby mission, the U.S. space agency would take priority.
At the behest of the Trump administration, NASA is conductinga study to assess safety risks, costs and potential benefits of lettingastronauts fly on the debut test flight of its heavy-lift Space Launch Systemrocket and Orion capsule. That mission is currently planned to be uncrewed andscheduled to launch in late 2018.
Musk said the privately funded moon expedition would takeplace after his California-based company begins flying crew to theInternational Space Station for the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration. NASA is hoping those crew-ferrying flights begin by late2018.
SpaceX's own Falcon Heavy rocket, which Musk wants to usefor the lunar tourist mission, is scheduled to make a debut test flight laterthis year.
Musk, also CEO of electric carmaker Tesla, said missionsaround the moon could provide practice for eventual human flights to Mars, thelong-term goal of SpaceX. Except for needed communications upgrades, the Dragonspaceship in development for NASA astronauts is well suited for lunar flybymissions, Musk added.
Virgin Galactic, an offshoot of Richard Branson'sLondon-based Virgin Group, is testing a six-passenger, two-pilot spaceship tocarry paying customers about 62 miles (100 km) above Earth, high enough toexperience brief microgravity and see Earth's curvature against the blacknessof space. Tickets to ride cost $250,000 each.
SpaceX has a $10 billion backlog of about 70 missions forNASA and commercial customers. The firm's backers include Alphabet's Google Incand Fidelity Investments, which together have contributed $1 billion to Musk'sfirm.