Thomas Cook Airlines asks woman wearing crop top to cover up or deboard

Thomas Cook Airlines asks woman wearing crop top to cover up or deboard

The airline told the passenger that her outfit was offensive to her fellow passengers and was regarded inappropriate.

Emily O'Connor
  • New Delhi,
  • Mar 14, 2019,
  • Updated Mar 14, 2019, 6:56 PM IST

The airline told the passsenger that her outfit was offensive to her fellow passengers and was regarded inappropriate.

British airline Thomas Cook recently asked a woman wearing crop top to either leave or cover up as the airline felt her clothing was "inappropriate" and "causing offence". The airline was going to Canary Islands from Birmingham, England.

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Emily O'Connor,  a 21-year old resident of Birmingham took a flight from her hometown to Tenerife, Spain on March 12. She was dressed in a black crop top with spaghetti straps and high-wasted orange pants. However, soon after, one of the crew members asked her to cover up or de-board the plane.

The airline told the passenger that her outfit was offensive to her fellow passengers and was regarded inappropriate. Emily tweeted that four of the crew members came to get her luggage to take her off from the plane.

She claimed that she a passenger on-board abused her, and the flight manager and crew members didn't say a word. Emily also said that she asked the passengers if her attire was offending them. However, no one said a word except for one man, who is said to have abused her.

According to the Washington Post, the airline issued a statement, "We are sorry that we upset Ms O'Connor. It's clear we could have handled the situation better. In common with most airlines, we have an appropriate attire policy. This applies equally to men and women of all ages without discrimination. Our crews have the difficult task of implementing that policy and don't always get it right."

This has divided the Internet with half of the people supporting Emily and the other half supporting the airline. Last year, Thomas Cook landed in controversy after they kicked a honeymoon couple off their flight as they had complained about food.

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