So, Tinder Social has finally arrived in India. Yes, it is the same feature that got users scared earlier this year when it was launched in Australia.
This was because the feature had an automatic opt-in which disclosed the users' identity to their Facebook friends.
That, however, has now been resolved and the app gives users a choice to opt-in or not.
The feature sells the idea that two people are not enough for a party and the more the merrier.
Here are the five things that happen when you 'unlock' Tinder Social:
1) You see the Tinder profiles of all your Facebook friends who have also 'unlocked' this feature.
2) Now you can form a group with your friends to 'go out'.
3) You can choose a status which talks about your plans.
4) After this, you can match your group with other groups.
5) Your group will expire the next day and your matches will disappear.