

When I started my career, there were very few female lawyers. So, the challenge in the initial years was to be accepted by clients and courts.

Pallavi Shroff
  • New Delhi,
  • Mar 05, 2018,
  • Updated Mar 07, 2018, 7:58 PM IST

Q. The biggest challenge you faced in your career

A. When I started my career, there were very few female lawyers. So, the challenge in the initial years was to be accepted by clients and courts. What helped was that the firm had faith in me and would assure the clients of my ability. But I had to work hard and prove myself, much more than my male counterparts, to sustain that faith.

Q. Your best teacher in business

A. It is my father-in-law. He has taught me to think laterally and stay ahead of the opponent in litigation. My business degree helps me understand how businesses work and the challenges they face. It helps me come up with a solution that is practical and business-oriented.

Q. Two key lessons for young people

A. Understand who your competitors are in a constantly changing world. Never take your competition for granted. Also, never stop working hard, no matter how senior you become.

Q. Two essential qualities a leader must have

A. One is internal. A leader should not only have a vision but also have a pathway to take others along to achieve that vision. Another is the ability to reach out to clients and understand their issues as one's own.

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