Grant Thornton Bharat CEO Vishesh Chandiok on doing what's right

Grant Thornton Bharat CEO Vishesh Chandiok on doing what's right

Vishesh Chandiok, CEO of Grant Thornton Bharat LLP

Vishesh Chandiok, National Managing Partner, Grant Thornton Bharat LLP
Alokesh Bhattacharyya
  • Feb 15, 2022,
  • Updated Feb 16, 2022, 8:19 PM IST

What was the problem you were grappling with?

Two decades ago, Grant Thornton Bharat wasn’t seen as ‘big enough’. As a challenger, how do you get noticed whilst also be seen as balanced and committed to reshaping values for the better?

Who did you approach and why?

During my initial years as the CEO of Grant Thornton Bharat, pearls of wisdom from three individuals—my grandfather, my father and one of the global Grant Thornton CEOs I worked with—showed me the way.

What was the advice you received?

My grandfather taught me the importance of reputation. My father taught me to always ask as many questions as necessary. Lastly, one of our past global CEOs taught me that without expressing an opinion you cannot be noticed.

How effective was it in resolving the problem?

I encouraged our firm to speak out, to always stand by our clients in their times of need, and to have confidence in our values of always ‘doing what’s right ahead of what’s easy’. Asking the right questions has helped display genuine interest in our clients which has helped build lasting relationships. Our moves such as putting client feedback ahead of billing, work from anywhere forever and unlimited leaves have helped in making Grant Thornton Bharat a preferred and trusted business partner for the best of Indian and global brands.

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