A man of many interests, Tomohiko Okada, Managing Director, Toshiba India, was a crew member of a famous local sailing team during his university years. Later, he took up scuba diving when he started working with Toshiba. For the last 30 years, Okada has found solace and comfort in jogging. "When I get tired with office work, I feel it is better to keep the balance between the brain and the body. Jogging gives me some sort of business inspiration and encouragement for the 'tomorrow'."
But last year, during the lockdown, he experienced a newfound comfort in Yoga. "During and after the lockdown period, in addition to jogging I am practicing Yoga almost every day. Practicing Yoga makes me feel good both physically and mentally."
"It was my wife who introduced me to Yoga. She started three years ago and I followed her. It gives me a moderate exercise and also helps me enjoy a mentally quiet time," he adds.
He took up Yoga like a duck takes to water. Starting with Surya Namaskar, he quickly mastered four-five aasanas. He practices one hour at a time, thrice a week. Yoga helps him feel good both physically and mentally. "Irrespective of the age, one can enjoy Yoga and by continuing the practice, can perform the asana better, which gives a feeling of achievement," he adds.