Share price of Transglobe Foods has delivered stellar returns to investors in last one year. Transglobe Foods share price closed at Rs 3.25 on July 22, 2019 and hit upper circuit of 10 % at Rs 46.35 today, translating into gains of 1,426% during the period. In comparison, Sensex gained 0.33% during the period. An investment of Rs 1 lakh a year ago would have grown to Rs 14.26 lakh today.
The micro cap stock hit a upper circuit of 10% at Rs 49.60 today. The stock has gained 21.57% in the last 3 days. The share opened with a gain of 8.65% at Rs 49 today against previous close of Rs 45.10 on BSE. Share price of Transglobe Foods is trading higher than 5 day, 20 day, 50 day, 100 day and 200 day moving averages.
The stock has gained 27.51% in one month and 21% in a week. During the same period, Sensex gained 8% and 4.41%, respectively.
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala earned Rs 13 lakh per day with this stock for 69 sessions
The share saw only buyers and no sellers in today's trade. In Q1, two public shareholders bought 1,500 shares each amounting to 2.08% stake in the firm. That pushed the stock to the upper circuit of 10% in today's trade. However, promoter stake remained unchanged in the last quarter compared to Q4 of last fiscal.
The firm reported Rs 0.18 crore net profit for the fiscal ended March 2020 against loss of Rs 0.19 crore for March 2019 fiscal. For fiscal ended March 2018, the firm reported net loss of Rs 0.25 crore.
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala buys 50 lakh shares of this firm, stock gains 5%
For fiscal ended March this year, earnings per share rose to Rs 4.29 against minus Rs 0.60 in March 2019 fiscal and minus Rs 0.78 in March 2018 fiscal.
For quarter ended March 2020, the firm clocked net profit of Rs 0.26 crore against Rs 0.01 crore in the preceding quarter. In Q2 of previous fiscal, the firm logged a loss of Rs 0.13 crore. In June quarter of previous fiscal, Transglobe Foods logged loss of Rs 0.17 crore.
The company is not listed on NSE. The firm is a food processing company and engaged in manufacturer exporters of canned vegetables, fruit concentrate and other products. The company, which is based in Baroda, Gujarat, was founded in the year 1986.
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala picked these stocks in June quarter; total holding stood at Rs 11,549 crore