Equity investors using Zerodha have realized profits amounting to Rs 50,000 crores and are currently holding unrealized profits of Rs 1,00,000 crore on an asset under management (AUM) of Rs 4,50,000 crore, the brokerage's co-founder Nithin Kamath wrote in a post on X, highlighting how markets have expanded post Covid.
"By the way, most of the AUM was added in the last four years," he said.
Inflows into Indian equity funds hit a record high last month, with retail investors remaining confident despite increased stock volatility ahead of election results. Indians poured a record amount into equity mutual funds in May, driven by a wave of new thematic schemes that captured the market's attention.
The inflows into equity mutual funds soared by 83% to reach an all-time high of ₹34,697 crore, up from ₹18,917.1 crore in April, as per the latest data from the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI).
This increase in equity-oriented funds occurred despite a withdrawal from debt-oriented funds, which led to a decrease in overall net inflows into mutual funds. Small-cap funds attracted ₹2,724.7 crore in May, compared to ₹2,208.7 crore in April, while mid-cap schemes saw investments of ₹2,605.7 crore, up from ₹1,793.1 crore the previous month.
Large-cap funds also experienced a substantial rise, with inflows nearly doubling to ₹663.1 crore in May from ₹357.6 crore in April. Multi-cap funds saw inflows of ₹2,644.9 crore, slightly down from ₹2,723.9 crore in April.
Sectoral and thematic funds achieved their highest inflows ever, totaling ₹19,213.4 crore, bringing the category's assets under management to ₹3.37 lakh crore, the second highest among equity-oriented funds. A significant portion of this surge came from the HDFC Manufacturing Fund's new fund offer, which alone garnered ₹9,563 crore.