How are changing visa rules affecting the plans of Indian students to study abroad? Take a look

How are changing visa rules affecting the plans of Indian students to study abroad? Take a look

Countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia have long been popular choices for Indian students seeking quality education and international exposure. However, recent changes in visa regulations have made it increasingly challenging for Indian students to secure study permits in these countries. 

  • May 21, 2024,
  • Updated May 21, 2024, 1:55 PM IST

Pursuing higher education abroad has long been a dream for many Indian students seeking to broaden their horizons, gain valuable skills and enhance their career prospects. However, the journey for studying in a foreign country is challenging, especially when the students have to navigate through the complex web of visa regulations. 

The Indian Student Mobility Report 2024 (ISMR) has highlighted that approximately 10.3 lakh Indian students are studying abroad, with a significant portion in traditional destinations, spending billions of dollars on education. In recent years, the global landscape of international education has undergone significant shifts, with traditional study destinations like US, UK, Canada and Australia tightening their visa rules, while emerging countries offer more attractive options for Indian students. 

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Visa Regulations in Traditional Study Destinations:

Countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia have long been popular choices for Indian students seeking quality education and international exposure. However, recent changes in visa regulations have made it increasingly challenging for Indian students to secure study permits in these countries. 

For instance, the UK has imposed restrictions on family inclusion and limited the ability to switch from a student visa to a work visa without completing studies.  Similarly, Canada has capped the number of study permits approved each year and raised the financial requirements for international students.

On the other hand, the United States has introduced measures to combat immigration fraud by requiring Indian students to use information from their passports to set up visa appointments. 

Australia has also raised the bar by mandating a minimum IELTS score and increasing the savings mandate for international students. These stringent visa regulations in traditional study destinations have prompted many Indian students to explore alternative options or even rethink their plans to study abroad. 

Emerging Study Destinations:

Meanwhile, in response to the tightening of visa regulations in traditional study destinations, many Indian students are turning towards emerging countries that offer more favourable visa policies. Several European nations like Germany, France, Ireland and Italy have implemented relaxed visa regulations to attract international students, including those from India.

For instance, Ireland now offers a two-year post-study visa for international students, allowing them to stay in the country after completing their degree. France has introduced a five-year Schengen circulation visa for Indian alumni, providing them with extended opportunities for travel and work within the Schengen area. 

Italy has also allowed Indian students to have temporary residence for up to one year after their studies to gain professional experience. These relaxed visa regulations in emerging study destinations have made them increasingly appealing to Indian students seeking international education opportunities.

Financial planning?

According to ISMR 2024, an Indian student who is studying abroad is paying the following amounts for accommodation while they are studying in their traditional destinations:

- US: $12,000 - Canada: $10,000  - Australia: $13,000  - UK: $9,700 

As per the data mentioned in the report, Indian students have spent close to 34 billion US dollars on their education in FY 2023-24. The industry is expected to keep expanding, and by 2025, expenditure by Indian students is expected to grow by 14 percent and reach $70 billion.

However, the Indian Student Mobility Report-2023–2024 indicates that in order to save at least the exceptional amounts of money that these students are spending on their education, early planning might potentially save expenditures by 20–30%.

The evolving visa regulations for Indian students studying abroad highlight the dynamic nature of the international education landscape. While traditional study destinations continue to attract students with their academic excellence and global reputation, the tightening of visa rules has prompted many to explore alternative options in emerging countries. 

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