For the office-goers! 9 things you should NOT do at work


For the office-goers! 9 things you should NOT do at work

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We all know we're supposed to show up at work on time, respect our co-workers, meet deadlines and above all, maintain a level of professionalism. However, along with these, there are other small but significant things that we tend to overlook. Here's a list of things to avoid if you want to make a positive impression at work.

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Complain about your colleagues
Expressing your displeasure with work and execution can be handled in many ways. It's one thing to occasionally express your displeasure, but if you get into a routine of complaining and shifting blames, it can be troublesome for you.If you're having difficulty coping with your workload or dealing with troublesome colleagues, talk it out with your manager or other colleagues and keep your cool while you're on the job.

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Volunteer all the time
Going above and beyond the regular call of duty is a good way to grab the eyeballs of  your manager, and possibly even advance your career. But you must keep in mind that it might affect your efficiency. Overdoing it could make you spread yourself too thin, at which point your overall performance might suffer.

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Talk politics
Most office environments lend themselves to non-work-related conversations from time to time. In fact, it is usual to discuss sports and current affairs, but bringing politics or discussing your preferences at the workplace is generally a bad idea. Not only politics is a personal matter, discussions around them additionally tend to get heated. Besides, it can create an atmosphere of bad blood between coworkers.

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Spend too much time on personal calls, social media and likes
Even if you work in a busy, bustling office, there's a good chance someone is keeping track of your work habits. If you are spending hours browsing on social media or chatting away on the phone, keep in mind that your co-worker or manager may be noticing that.Furthermore, if you are using your office's network or internet, be wary of patterns that could get you into trouble. 

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Missing deadlines
It is never a nice thing to miss deadlines at work. Deadlines do give us stress, and can mess up the best-laid plans. But with a little effort, you can become a dependable, respectable professional.

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Behave out of rage
Most people spend more hours at work than anywhere else, so it's normal and expected that we will experience emotional outbursts at work. Sometimes you might feel that you are being exploited or cornered despite your hard work. If you act impulsively and rashly at work, you will likely lose much more than your self-respect. So be calm and look for a way out. 

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Refuse to take up new challenges
If your boss asks you to do something, and you're not sure exactly how to do it, ask for directions and how to get started. Unwillingness at work can make you look unprofessional.

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Come in sick
Many companies don't distinguish between vacation and sick days. If you're under the weather, you might be tempted to drag yourself into the office but that is never a good idea. In such cases, you can talk to your boss and get a permission to work from home that day or take an off.

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Avoid burning bridges
Every single relationship at work is vitally important to you and your future, so craft them with care.  Avoid people you don't trust or like, but don't burn bridges.