Coronavirus outbreak: Know the myths and the facts


Coronavirus outbreak: Know the myths and the facts

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Myth: Receiving a letter or package from China is unsafeFact: It is safe to receive a letter or package from China. You are not at risk of getting infected. As per analysis, the virus does not survive long on objects, such as letters or packages.

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Myth: Pets at home can spread the virusFact: At present, there is no evidence to suggest that pet dogs and cats  can get infected with the novel Coronavirus. However, it is always safe to wash hands with soap and water after coming in contact with them.

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Myth: Pneumonia vaccines help to protect against CoronavirusFact: The Coronavirus is a new and different kind of infection. Pneumonia vaccines do not help to protect  against it. Researchers are trying to develop a new vaccine for the China virus with the help of WHO.

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Myth: Rinsing nose with saline helps prevent the infectionFact: There is no clear evidence for it. The rinsing of nose merely helps in recovering from the common cold.

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Myth: Gargling and mouthwash help to protect against CoronavirusFact: There is no clear evidence for this . The mouthwash only helps in eliminating certain microbes from saliva in the mouth.

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Myth: Antibiotics are effective in preventing CoronavirusFact: Antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria. Coronavirus is a virus and antibiotics fail to prevent or cure it.

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Myth: Only the elderly and children are vulnerable to itFact: People of all ages are prone to the new Coronavirus.  The aged and those with  pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, etc are more vulnerable to the infection. WHO has advised people to take preventive steps.

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Myth: There are medicines to prevent or treat CoronavirusFact: Till date, there are no recommended medicines for the treatment of Coronavirus. However, some specific treatments are being investigated through clinical trials. The WHO is also helping to accelerate the research and development efforts with a range of its partners.