How to clean your Split Air Conditioner filter during lockdown


How to clean your Split Air Conditioner filter during lockdown

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With summer settling in amid the nation-wide lockdown, getting your air conditioners serviced isn't an option. So before you turn on the air conditioner, here are some tips on how you can carry out some basic cleaning yourself. For servicing the split air conditioners, Whirlpool has shared a detailed guide. Switch off the power supply of the AC before you get started. This is mandatory.

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The first step is about carefully opening the AC panel

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Be gentle with the filters. Remove the filters one at a time.

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The next step involves cleaning the evaporator coil gently with a toothbrush to remove any dirt. But one should be extra careful because the evaporator coil has sharp fins that can cut the skin.

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This should be followed by removing dust using a clean cloth

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Place the filters under a tap and clean thoroughly

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Let the filters dry completely

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Place the filters back into the air conditioner

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Remember to shut the air conditioner panel properly

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You can now turn on the air conditioner. It should be able to throw clean cool air