The museum is built at Delhi's Teen Murti Estate and covers the lives and times of all the 14 prime ministers of India so far and will showcase their contributions.
The building is made on a land area of about 10,491 sq mt. The logo of the building represents the hands of the people of India holding the Chakra symbolising the nation and democracy.
There are holograms, virtual reality, augmented reality, multi-touch, multi-media, interactive kiosks, computerised kinetic sculptures, smartphone applications, interactive screens, experiential installations, among others, leveraged to make the exhibition content highly interactive.
Rare photographs, speeches, video clips, newspapers, interviews and original writings of former prime ministers are chosen to be put on display.
The lifetime collections and works of Jawaharlal Nehru will stay at the Nehru Memorial Museum, which is updated with technologically advanced display of the life and contribution of the country's first prime minister.
The design of the museum building is inspired by the theme of rising India, shaped and molded at the hands of its leaders. It incorporates sustainable and energy conservation practices as no tree has been felled or transplanted.