Why people are not scared of COVID-19 anymore and how risky that can be


Why people are not scared of COVID-19 anymore and how risky that can be

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India's COVID cases are surging and we are in the midst of a second wave. One year after the start of the pandemic much has changed not just in terms of research, our knowledge of the virus but also our attitude towards coronavirus. Indians have become more complacent where COVID curbs are concerned. What has also changed is our understanding of the disease, diagnostic and treatment infrastructure, development of vaccines etc.

Here is what has changed in the last one year.
Joe C Mathew

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In March 2020, India had 57 laboratories that can do Covid-19 testing through Real Time PCR (RTPCR) Platform. Another 56 laboratories were permitted to collect samples (swabs & viral transport media) and facilitate their transport to the testing centres. Today there are 2,425 laboratories in the country that conduct Covid-19 testing. Of which, 545 government laboratories and 844 private laboratories conduct RTPCR tests. There are 900 testing facilities that use the TrueNat platform and 132 centers that conduct CBNAAT (cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test) tests.

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India had a total of 4,058 samples tested for Covid-19 until March 6, 2020. On March 21, 2021 alone India tested 8,80,655 samples. Overall Covid-19 tests conducted in the last one year stood at 23,44,45,774.

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In March 2020, India did not have any vaccines for Covid-19. Today India has given emergency use approval for two vaccines - Covaxin and Covishield. A total of 4,50,65,998 frontline and healthcare workers, senior citizens and people above 45 with co-morbidity have already been vaccinated with these two vaccines.

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In March 2020, India had asked all alcohol distilleries to manufacture sanitisers, states were asked to waive the 300 percent excise duty on ethanol for the purpose. Today, there is oversupply of sanitisers and distilleries no longer find it a strong business proposition.

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In March 2020, India had banned exports of medical clothing and face masks. Since then, the ban has been lifted. Even the most sought after N-95 masks can be freely exported.