Samsungfaced a severe setback this year with the entire Note 7 fiasco, becoming one ofthe biggest recalls and failures in the history of tech. The company has comeforward to apologise and has vowed to find out the real reason behind the explosionsof their best smartphone of the year.
Accordingto a report from the Korea Herald, Samsung Electronics mobile chief KohDong-jin, released a public apology andpromised that they "would at any cost find the exact cause to restoretrust of consumers so that they can use Samsung products without any safetyconcerns."
The Samsungmobile chief also admitted to being frustrated during the entire crisis, heexpressed gratitude to the Samsung employees who had offered support to him duringthe times of crisis.
Employees from the company offered consolationto the president by putting up a seriesof posts on the firm's online message board.
KohDong-jin has been with Samsung Electronics since 1984 and has mostly followed aconventional growth pattern within the company's hierarchy. He was appointed asthe Chief of Samsung Electronics mobile chief in 2014, at a time when the SouthKorean company was facing a tough time battling against Apple.
SamsungElectronics' shares rose 3 percent early morning trading on Oct. 13, giving ita much needed relief after the entire fiasco began. The company also slashedits quarterly earnings estimate by almost a third for Q3.
ALSO READ: 5 lessons to be learnt from Samsung's Note 7 fiasco