The industry's value-a combination of volume and revenue-rose 7.3% YoY in the quarter ended December. The fast-moving consumer goods sector saw its value grow for the second straight quarter.
Hygiene and immunity building category continued on a high-value growth of 46% YoY in December quarter.
The 'home and personal care' basket made a consumption-led volume growth of 5% YoY in December quarter.
Food categories saw a 10% growth riding on boost in consumption as well as a price increase in some food baskets. This growth recovery was widespread in the food basket, including 'Staple Foods' that grew 18% YoY.
Rural markets continued to grow in double digits accelerating to 14.2% in the October-December quarter, from 10.6% in the July-September quarter.
Traditional trade channels continued their growth momentum in December quarter with 8% growth as compared to a year ago, after 3% growth in September quarter.
Modern trade channel value contracted 2% in the December quarter against a decline of 15% in the September quarter.