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Ayurveda doctors can now perform surgeries - general, dental, ENT, even eye

Ayurveda doctors can now perform surgeries - general, dental, ENT, even eye

The government has amended the Indian Medicine Central Council Regulations, 2016, to introduce formal training in these procedures as part of the curriculum for postgraduate students of shalya (general surgery) and shalakya (diseases of ear, nose, throat, ENT, eye, head, oro-dentistry) specialisations

Ayurvedic doctors can now practice GS alongside ortho & dentistry Ayurvedic doctors can now practice GS alongside ortho & dentistry

Postgraduate degree holders in Ayurveda will now be allowed to perform a variety of general surgery, ENT, ophthalmology, and dental procedures.

The government has amended the Indian Medicine Central Council (Post Graduate Ayurveda Education) Regulations, 2016, to introduce formal training in these procedures as part of the curriculum for postgraduate students of shalya (general surgery) and shalakya (diseases of ear, nose, throat, ENT, eye, head, oro-dentistry) specialisations.  

The gazette notification issued on November 19 stated that during the period of study, "the PG scholar of Shalya and Shalakya shall be practically trained to acquaint with as well as independently perform the following activities so that after completion of his/her PG degree, he/she is able to perform the procedures independently."  

The government decision will allow Ayurveda practitioners to legally perform common procedures such as skin grafting, cataract surgery, and root canal treatment.

Also Read: Ayurvedic cure for coronavirus? India, US to conduct joint clinical trials

The complete list of procedures that will be taught are as follows:

MS (Ayurved) Shalya Tantra

1.    Debridement/fasciotomy/Curettage

2.    Perianal abscess, breast abscess, Axillary abscess, cellulitis, etc

3.    All types of skin grafting, ear lobe repair

4.    Excision of simple cyst and benign tumours (lipoma, fibroma,  schwannoma, etc.) of Non-vital Organs

5.    Excision/amputation of gangrene

6.    Traumatic wound management - all types of suturing, Haemostatic ligatures, Ligation and repair of tendon and muscles

7.    Removal of metallic and non-metalic foreign bodies from non-vital organs

8.    close reduction, immobilisation, splints/cast

9.    Reduction of dislocation and subluxation

10.    Laparotomy

11.    various methods of haemorrhoidectomy, Rubber Band Ligation, Sclerotherapy, IRC, Radio frequency/Laser ablation, etc.  

12.    Fissure in ano - Anal Dilatation, Sphincterotomy Anoplasty

13.    Fistulectomy, Fistulotomy

14.    Excision of pilonidal sinus

15.    various Rectopexies

16.    suprapubic cystostomy/cystolithotomy

17.    Urethral Dilatation, meatomy

18.    Circumcision

19.    Congenital/ Inguinal/ Umbilical / Epigastric/ Femoral/ Incisional Hernia :-Herniotomy, Herniorraphy, Hernioplasty

20.    Hydrocele Eversion of Sac

21.    Intercostal Drain for thoracic trauma

22.    Ligation of Haemangioma, Vascular ligation, Ligation of varicocele, varicose veins/ stripping surgery

23.    Excision of benign lesions, cyst/tumour of breast, Lump biopsy

24.    Exploratory laparotomy

25.    Foreign body removal from stomach.  

26.    use of Video proctoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy

27.    Ileostomy, colostomy, Resection anastomosis in emergency

28.    Sigmoidoscopic biopsies, polypectomy

29.    Appendisectomy

30.    Cholecystectomy

31.    Laryngeal Mask Airway, Intubation, Bag/Mask Ventilation

32.    Suprapubic Cystostomy, SuprapubicCystolithotomy

33.    Excision of Calcified Plaque Peyronie's Disease

34.    Orchidopexy, Orchidectomy

Also Read: Ayush Ministry releases list of Ayurvedic medicines, yoga asanas to fight back COVID-19

MS (Ayurved) Shalakya Tantra


1.    Diseases of Eyelids:-  sling surgery, correction surgery, Incision and drainage/ curettage, Benign Lid tumour - Excision Surgery

2.    Pterygium- excision & conjunctival limbal autograph/amniotic membrane graft

3.    Iris prolapse-excision surgery

4.    Glaucoma-trabeculectomy

5.    (Trauma to eye:- Injury to the eyebrow, lid, conjunctiva, sclera, and cornea- trauma repair surgery

6.    Squint surgery - Esotropia, Exotropia, Horizontal muscle resection and recession

7.    Dacryocystitis- DCT/DacryocystoRhinostomy [DCR]

8.    Cataract surgery - cataract extraction with IOL implantation surgery  

9.    Local Anesthesia in the Eye


1.    Deviated nasal septum surgery - septoplasty  

2.    Nasal polyp polypectomy

3.    Deformed nose - rhinoplasty


1.    Torn ear lobule- lobuloplasty

2.    Acute suppurative otitis media/glue ear/" secretory or serous otitis media- Myringotomy

3.    Chronicsuppurative Otitis Media- safe:-" tympanoplasty unsafe: - mastoidectomy

Throat diseases

1.    Pharynx: peritonsillar abscess - quincy, incision, and drainage; Chronic Tonsillitis - Tonsillectomy

2.    Hair lip repair


1.    Loose Tooth Extraction

2.    Carries Tooth/Teeth- Root Canal Treatment

Published on: Nov 21, 2020, 3:33 PM IST