Japan's Maglev bullet train is currently the fastest passenger train in the world. It runs at a speed of 603 km/hr.
2. TR-09, Germany
Though designed to run at a speed of 500 km/hr, TR-09 of Germany runs at 450 km/hr for safety purposes.
3. Shanghai Maglev, China
Shanghai Maglev in China is the third swiftest train in the world. Its maximum operating speed is 430 km/hr and average speed is 251 km/hr.
4. Harmony CRH380A, China
This train runs at a speed of 380 km/hr but it was tested to run at 480 km/hr.
5. TGV Reseau, France
TGV Reseau is approved to run at a speed of 380 km/hr but usually maintains a speed of 320 km/hr.
6. Siemens Velaro E/AVS 103, Spain
This is currently one of the fastest running bullet trains in the world. It runs at a speed of 350 km/hr, although during its test run, it sped up to 400 km/hr.
7. Talgo 350 (T350), Spain
Talgo 350 usually runs at a speed of 350 km/hr but has the ability to speed up to 365 km/hr.