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Power of execution

The India Economic Summit, beginning Sunday, will focus on that unfinished business of execution and topics that are grabbing attention of businessmen and policymakers.
Indophile businessmen, often cheerleaders of India's reforms, say they have little to cheer about these days. India, perhaps the hottest market on their radar, is slowing on its reforms journey, they complain, with decisions such as on increasing foreign ownership in retail, insurance and defence manufacturing still on the unfinished agenda.

But with some perspective they all agree that the bigger challenge before the world's second-fastest growing major economy is of execution on the ground. Look around and you will see missed deadlines all around: highways, ports expansion, power distribution, special economic zones, approvals for mega industrial projects...

The India Economic Summit, being organised by the World Economic Forum, arguably the most powerful platform of businessmen in the world, November 14 through 16, will focus on that unfinished business of execution and topics that are grabbing attention of business people and policymakers.

Business Today showcases four of the most important issues - solar energy, social entrepreneurship, corruption and water. Issues that will be the subject of intense debate and should resonate with all in the business of business.
