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BSE 250 SmallCap Index
BSE 250 SmallCap Index

BSE 250 SmallCap Index

Mar 13, 2025 00:00 IST-
-35.90 (0.63%)
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5661.86 Low
Today’s Performance
5729.11 High
5393.18 Low
52 Week’s Performance
7551.81 High


Advances means the number of stocks closing at a higher price than the previous day’s close and Declines is the number of stocks closing at a lower price than the previous day’s close
BSE 250 SmallCap Index 5,670.56 (0.63%)
Mar 13, 2025 00:00 IST -
  • Advance
  • Decline


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50 Results (Mcap)
Company Name Latest Trending Price & % Change Revenue Mcap
Godrej Industrie Godrej Industrie 1,149.50 21.05 (1.87%) 3,022.17 38,709.65 Natl. Aluminium Natl. Aluminium 187.85 -3.70 (-1.93%) 13,149.15 34,501.13 360 ONE 360 ONE 863.95 18.45 (2.18%) 934.26 33,946.88 Narayana Hrudaya Narayana Hrudaya 1,540.95 -33.35 (-2.12%) 3,265.70 31,490.98 Laurus Labs Laurus Labs 573.45 -10.80 (-1.85%) 4,812.39 30,923.43 Tata Inv.Corpn. Tata Inv.Corpn. 6,103.00 -68.05 (-1.10%) 324.51 30,878.31 Chola Financial Chola Financial 1,598.15 2.45 (0.15%) 86.00 30,009.66 Godfrey Phillips Godfrey Phillips 5,715.90 272.15 (5.00%) 5,310.57 29,719.20 Radico Khaitan Radico Khaitan 2,189.90 14.00 (0.64%) 15,483.88 29,301.48 Suven Pharma Suven Pharma 1,144.85 -12.90 (-1.11%) 1,024.99 29,143.87 ICICI Securities ICICI Securities 837.30 5.50 (0.66%) 5,048.00 27,224.57 Go Digit General Go Digit General 294.45 -6.45 (-2.14%) 7,268.53 27,175.87 Kaynes Tech Kaynes Tech 4,241.30 -94.60 (-2.18%) 1,273.94 27,148.89 Piramal Pharma Piramal Pharma 201.90 -0.05 (-0.02%) 4,390.11 26,766.85 Aegis Logistics Aegis Logistics 737.85 2.25 (0.31%) 2,980.35 25,898.54 Gillette India Gillette India 7,770.15 -128.20 (-1.62%) 2,633.08 25,322.92 Authum Invest Authum Invest 1,465.85 -0.25 (-0.02%) 2,412.50 24,896.74 Multi Comm. Exc. Multi Comm. Exc. 4,808.90 36.20 (0.76%) 586.16 24,524.61 ITI ITI 255.10 11.40 (4.68%) 1,263.63 24,512.23 Sumitomo Chemi. Sumitomo Chemi. 485.90 -6.45 (-1.31%) 2,832.54 24,253.49 J B Chemicals & J B Chemicals & 1,518.00 13.30 (0.88%) 3,298.64 23,631.54 Brigade Enterpr. Brigade Enterpr. 951.30 -23.80 (-2.44%) 2,024.30 23,247.36 Shyam Metalics Shyam Metalics 826.25 6.70 (0.82%) 6,668.45 23,063.27 Castrol India Castrol India 231.50 -6.85 (-2.87%) 5,364.85 22,898.18 Krishna Institu. Krishna Institu. 569.95 20.10 (3.66%) 1,222.05 22,805.92 Jyoti CNC Auto. Jyoti CNC Auto. 1,001.20 22.20 (2.27%) 1,189.72 22,769.60 EIH EIH 358.85 12.95 (3.74%) 2,193.47 22,441.19 Poly Medicure Poly Medicure 2,214.50 -4.35 (-0.20%) 1,307.25 22,438.58 Chambal Fert. Chambal Fert. 556.30 -9.00 (-1.59%) 17,966.41 22,288.29 Crompton Gr. Con Crompton Gr. Con 343.60 -14.25 (-3.98%) 6,388.38 22,119.89 Apar Inds. Apar Inds. 5,471.90 -37.10 (-0.67%) 15,109.28 21,979.70 Aster DM Health. Aster DM Health. 434.20 1.65 (0.38%) 2,036.50 21,688.86 Amber Enterp. Amber Enterp. 6,361.80 -157.90 (-2.42%) 4,504.67 21,517.84 Firstsour.Solu. Firstsour.Solu. 302.95 -3.75 (-1.22%) 1,601.15 21,419.41 Welspun Corp Welspun Corp 809.20 -10.60 (-1.29%) 9,081.78 21,229.31 Inox Wind Inox Wind 162.35 -2.15 (-1.31%) 1,583.77 21,167.10 Dr Lal Pathlabs Dr Lal Pathlabs 2,528.45 9.00 (0.36%) 1,966.76 21,135.75 NBCC NBCC 77.85 -1.28 (-1.62%) 8,050.62 21,019.50 Hindustan Copper Hindustan Copper 215.80 -3.05 (-1.39%) 1,717.00 20,868.38 PNB Housing PNB Housing 802.50 1.20 (0.15%) 7,013.74 20,856.93 Navin Fluo.Intl. Navin Fluo.Intl. 4,130.50 29.70 (0.72%) 1,420.83 20,485.53 Affle India Affle India 1,430.75 -9.10 (-0.63%) 565.99 20,101.51 Piramal Enterp. Piramal Enterp. 886.25 -14.75 (-1.64%) 3,790.50 19,982.96 A B Real Estate A B Real Estate 1,774.65 -31.90 (-1.77%) 3,879.38 19,822.07 Himadri Special Himadri Special 401.30 -3.20 (-0.79%) 4,184.89 19,811.43 BASF India BASF India 4,480.95 -146.25 (-3.16%) 13,767.48 19,396.08 Hatsun Agro Hatsun Agro 868.55 -0.05 (-0.01%) 7,990.40 19,346.80 Five-Star Bus.Fi Five-Star Bus.Fi 650.70 0.45 (0.07%) 2,182.85 19,157.17 Astrazeneca Phar Astrazeneca Phar 7,660.30 -62.60 (-0.81%) 1,295.53 19,150.75 The Ramco Cement The Ramco Cement 800.95 -20.15 (-2.45%) 9,349.83 18,925.84


What was BSE 250 SmallCap Index share price previously?
BSE 250 SmallCap Index share price was down by -0.63% from the previous closing price of 5,706.46.
What has been 52-week high of BSE 250 SmallCap Index stocks?
The highest price of BSE 250 SmallCap Index stock is 7,551.81 in the last 52-week.

DATA SOURCES: Corporate data, historical price & volume data published on this website have been sourced from CMOTS Internet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. BSE Quotes and NSE Quotes have been sourced from BSE Limited and NSE Data & Analytics Limited, respectively. All timestamps reflected here are in IST (Indian Standard Time). Stock Analysis section has been sourced from the mentioned partners.

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