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BSE Power

BSE Power

Mar 07, 2025 00:00 IST-
-36.21 (0.59%)
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6130.07 Low
Today’s Performance
6219.81 High
5669.71 Low
52 Week’s Performance
8795.65 High


Advances means the number of stocks closing at a higher price than the previous day’s close and Declines is the number of stocks closing at a lower price than the previous day’s close
BSE Power 6,152.62 (0.59%)
Mar 07, 2025 00:00 IST -
  • Advance
  • Decline


What was BSE Power share price previously?
BSE Power share price was down by -0.59% from the previous closing price of 6,188.83.
What has been 52-week high of BSE Power stocks?
The highest price of BSE Power stock is 8,795.65 in the last 52-week.

DATA SOURCES: Corporate data, historical price & volume data published on this website have been sourced from CMOTS Internet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. BSE Quotes and NSE Quotes have been sourced from BSE Limited and NSE Data & Analytics Limited, respectively. All timestamps reflected here are in IST (Indian Standard Time). Stock Analysis section has been sourced from the mentioned partners.

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