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BSE SmallCap
BSE SmallCap

BSE SmallCap

Mar 07, 2025 00:00 IST-
341.57 (0.75%)
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45229.89 Low
Today’s Performance
45947.66 High
40097.13 Low
52 Week’s Performance
57827.69 High


Advances means the number of stocks closing at a higher price than the previous day’s close and Declines is the number of stocks closing at a lower price than the previous day’s close
BSE SmallCap 45,606.86 (0.75%)
Mar 07, 2025 00:00 IST -
  • Advance
  • Decline


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50 Results (Mcap)
Company Name Latest Trending Price & % Change Revenue Mcap
Lloyds Metals Lloyds Metals 1,150.60 47.15 (4.27%) 6,521.65 60,204.22 Hitachi Energy Hitachi Energy 13,048.30 -559.85 (-4.11%) 5,237.49 55,300.88 Fortis Health. Fortis Health. 629.45 -17.50 (-2.71%) 1,226.28 47,520.84 Blue Star Blue Star 2,099.20 -45.65 (-2.13%) 8,998.88 43,162.66 Bharat Dynamics Bharat Dynamics 1,135.40 70.75 (6.65%) 2,369.28 41,619.51 360 ONE 360 ONE 972.95 7.45 (0.77%) 934.26 38,202.66 H U D C O H U D C O 182.20 -0.60 (-0.33%) 7,828.92 36,474.62 Motil.Oswal.Fin. Motil.Oswal.Fin. 605.05 -6.35 (-1.04%) 4,540.55 36,261.48 Natl. Aluminium Natl. Aluminium 195.20 2.35 (1.22%) 13,149.15 35,851.05 Cochin Shipyard Cochin Shipyard 1,335.50 45.60 (3.54%) 3,645.28 35,134.44 J K Cements J K Cements 4,407.30 -96.85 (-2.15%) 10,918.05 34,054.44 Global Health Global Health 1,226.40 -25.90 (-2.07%) 2,280.01 32,939.56 Tata Inv.Corpn. Tata Inv.Corpn. 6,377.70 180.85 (2.92%) 324.51 32,268.16 Narayana Hrudaya Narayana Hrudaya 1,566.10 -11.05 (-0.70%) 3,265.70 32,004.95 NLC India NLC India 224.95 -4.15 (-1.81%) 10,587.12 31,192.39 KEI Industries KEI Industries 3,225.70 -59.50 (-1.81%) 8,104.08 30,822.40 Metro Brands Metro Brands 1,121.15 -17.95 (-1.58%) 2,712.16 30,518.21 Chola Financial Chola Financial 1,595.65 -24.35 (-1.50%) 86.00 29,962.71 Suven Pharma Suven Pharma 1,165.65 3.80 (0.33%) 1,024.99 29,673.36 K P R Mill Ltd K P R Mill Ltd 866.40 -13.35 (-1.52%) 4,053.67 29,614.76 Radico Khaitan Radico Khaitan 2,191.15 -13.55 (-0.61%) 15,483.88 29,318.21 Kaynes Tech Kaynes Tech 4,455.70 210.75 (4.96%) 1,273.94 28,521.28 Godfrey Phillips Godfrey Phillips 5,318.70 -99.85 (-1.84%) 5,310.57 27,654.01 Syngene Intl. Syngene Intl. 679.50 -6.75 (-0.98%) 3,203.10 27,352.39 IRB Infra.Devl. IRB Infra.Devl. 44.52 -0.47 (-1.04%) 4,826.03 26,885.63 Piramal Pharma Piramal Pharma 201.60 1.30 (0.65%) 4,390.11 26,727.08 Aegis Logistics Aegis Logistics 749.55 -24.90 (-3.22%) 2,980.35 26,309.21 Apollo Tyres Apollo Tyres 411.55 10.65 (2.66%) 17,539.33 26,137.58 ITI ITI 267.45 12.70 (4.99%) 1,263.63 25,698.92 Authum Invest Authum Invest 1,509.40 -6.45 (-0.43%) 2,412.50 25,636.42 Firstsour.Solu. Firstsour.Solu. 352.95 -2.70 (-0.76%) 1,601.15 24,954.55 PG Electroplast PG Electroplast 877.40 7.20 (0.83%) 1,417.72 24,838.64 J B Chemicals & J B Chemicals & 1,577.40 -15.50 (-0.97%) 3,298.64 24,556.25 Sumitomo Chemi. Sumitomo Chemi. 491.90 -7.25 (-1.45%) 2,832.54 24,552.98 Apar Inds. Apar Inds. 6,111.25 393.60 (6.88%) 15,109.28 24,547.86 Multi Comm. Exc. Multi Comm. Exc. 4,663.15 2.10 (0.05%) 586.16 23,781.30 Brigade Enterpr. Brigade Enterpr. 955.95 -2.30 (-0.24%) 2,024.30 23,360.99 Motherson Wiring Motherson Wiring 52.52 1.43 (2.80%) 8,328.20 23,219.66 Poly Medicure Poly Medicure 2,281.35 -31.85 (-1.38%) 1,307.25 23,115.94 Shyam Metalics Shyam Metalics 823.65 65.50 (8.64%) 6,668.45 22,990.70 Chambal Fert. Chambal Fert. 571.75 -4.60 (-0.80%) 17,966.41 22,907.30 Poonawalla Fin Poonawalla Fin 288.25 2.45 (0.86%) 5,827.15 22,426.15 Inox Wind Inox Wind 170.70 17.60 (11.50%) 1,583.77 22,255.76 A B Real Estate A B Real Estate 1,973.70 14.30 (0.73%) 3,879.38 22,045.38 Jyoti CNC Auto. Jyoti CNC Auto. 968.05 55.20 (6.05%) 1,189.72 22,015.69 NBCC NBCC 80.75 0.67 (0.84%) 8,050.62 21,802.50 Hindustan Copper Hindustan Copper 223.65 0.20 (0.09%) 1,717.00 21,627.49 ZF Commercial ZF Commercial 11,400.40 157.40 (1.40%) 3,783.71 21,615.16 Himadri Special Himadri Special 434.55 -1.95 (-0.45%) 4,184.89 21,452.92 Amber Enterp. Amber Enterp. 6,336.25 161.40 (2.61%) 4,504.67 21,431.42


What was BSE SmallCap share price previously?
BSE SmallCap share price was up by 0.75% from the previous closing price of 45,265.29.
What has been 52-week high of BSE SmallCap stocks?
The highest price of BSE SmallCap stock is 57,827.69 in the last 52-week.

DATA SOURCES: Corporate data, historical price & volume data published on this website have been sourced from CMOTS Internet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. BSE Quotes and NSE Quotes have been sourced from BSE Limited and NSE Data & Analytics Limited, respectively. All timestamps reflected here are in IST (Indian Standard Time). Stock Analysis section has been sourced from the mentioned partners.

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