A harried
government is busy tying itself into knots over the
review petition on the cancellation of
123 2G licences by the Supreme Court. A confidential presentation prepared by Department of Telecom (DoT) for top echelons of the government reveals the existentialist problem of the telecom ministry.
A copy of the presentation, dated February 24, 2012, accessed by
Mail Today shows that there are questions of law that need to be examined in greater depth and detail. As many as 100 licences given out by the government earlier may come under the scanner, according to DoT.
MUST READ: TRAI kicks off auction process for 2G spectrum For instance, DoT asks fundamental and pertinent questions whether in view of the judgment:
- The telecom licences that were granted other than pursuant to an auction (i.e the 1994 licences) may be said to have been granted illegally?
- The telecom licences which were granted on the principle of first-come-first-served basis (i.e the 2001 basic licences and the 2003-2007 licences) may be said to have been granted illegally?
MUST READ: JPC may summon PM, Chidambaram over 2G The presentation goes onto say, "If the answer to any of the questions set forth is in the affirmative, will the judgment apply proprio vigore to such licences that may be said to have been granted illegally? If not, what further steps are required to be taken by the government to deal with such illegal licences?" It then maps scenarios and makes the case that if the answer to questions posed above is in the negative, whether the government is obligated to amend the terms of those licences to ensure a levelplaying field among all licencees?
It then goes onto ask further questions-should the government then withdraw the spectrum allocated to these existing licencees or revise the charges for the spectrum allocated to the existing licencees and, if so, at what price and from what date?
It is clear as daylight that the government is concerned over what its next move on the matter considering how delicate its nature is and given the strained relationship between the executive and the judiciary.
The bigger question raised by DoT is whether in light of the judgment, the 2008 dual technology licences may be said to be illegal? It turns the tenets of Indian telecom, as we know it, on its head if these matters are to be viewed from this prism.
DoT wonders whether the spectrum allocated in 2008 stays or it should revise the charges for the spectrum and, if so, at what price and from what date? Then come the serious issues which have been thrown into stark relief by the judgment-whether 3G spectrum acquired through an auction in 2010 by licencees whose licences have been quashed reverts to the government of India? The presentation may well raise the hackles of the judiciary all over again.
Telco officials grilledThe JPC probing the 2G spectrum allotment case grilled senior telecom officials over the government's position following the Supreme Court order cancelling the licences of 123 telecom operators.
Senior DoT officials in their presentation before the JPC earlier this month had contended that the apex court judgment had encroached upon the exclusive domain of the executive-policy making.
"How can it be termed transgression if a minister or group of powerful persons come together to cheat the government and the government knowingly or unknowingly goes along with them?" a JPC member told
Mail Today.
The members belonging to opposition parties even termed the government's policy of 'first come first serve' in licence as flawed.
Mail Today