The dawn of the New Year was meant to ring in an end to the
pesky calls and unsolicited SMSes that you are flooded with round the clock. But the January 1, 2011, deadline recommended by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (
Trai) may be extended by up to six months, owing to the contractual obligations and business interests of the telecom operators.
The operators are desperate to buy more time because the stakes are high - the bulk SMS business in India is worth over Rs 250 crore annually. Packages of about 1 lakh bulk SMSes are sold by service operators for charges ranging between Rs 2,000 and Rs 4,000.
On December 1, Trai had issued a set of recommendations to curb unwanted commercial calls from January 1 next year. The authority had also suggested an imposition of penalty up to Rs 2.5 lakh on erring telemarketing companies. The earlier punitive amount was Rs 500- 1,000.
But the operators have informed the Trai as well as the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) that they would need another six months to install the required infrastructure. They have cited technical and network upgrade problems to the Trai, claiming that more time would be needed for making the 'Do Not Call regulations' system operational.
An insider, however, lets out the real reason behind the delay. "The problem is more about the contracts and obligations that they have with the telemarketing companies for the pesky calls business," reveals a top official of a leading mobile telecom operator.
"The operators have asked for up to six more months as their contracts would end by then," the official told Mail Today, adding that all the operators actually needed to do was rework their contracts with the telemarketers.
The major players in the market include Tata Teleservices, Reliance Communications, Loop Mobile and Vodafone.
An official of the Association of Unified Telecom Service Providers of India (AUSPI), which represents the CDMA 'operators, reiterated that additional time was needed to implement the Trai's recommendations. "The deadline of January 2011 is not feasible. We need time to set up the system as well as for its testing. We have put forward our points to the Trai," he said. "We also have to roll out the MNP (mobile number portability) from January 20. That is our top priority," the Auspi official added.
Trai had come out with a fresh set of recommendations because the earlier 'Do Not Call Registry' system had proved ineffective. Unsolicited commercial communications are among among the biggest nuisances for telecom consumers. Only 11 per cent (seven crore) of the 65 crore mobile phone users in India are registered with the 'Do Not Call' Directory.
Among the new guidelines is the putting in place of the 'Do Call Directory' system, wherein the numbers of only those consumers who are interested in receiving telemarketing calls are entered. This, in effect, means that the telemarketers would lose the bulk of their consumers and their reach would shrink substantially.
The request for an extension of the deadline from the operators also comes amid a raging regulatory turf war over the registration of pesky calls between the Trai and the DoT. The differences between the two could further delay matters. It is believed that the DoT has been asking for concessions for the telecom operators, a move which is being resisted by the Trai. On August 12 this year, the Trai had organised an open house discussion on the issue with various stakeholders. The meet was virtually sabotaged and hijacked by the telecom operators, leaving no chance for consumers to put across their view.
The telecom regulator had asked all service providers to set up a system that would filter telemarketing calls and issue a separate series (70xxx) for all telemarketing lines. The Trai had also restricted the number of SMSes to 100 per day.
A DoT official said some of the recommendations, such as stopping telemarketing calls and SMSes from 9 pm-9 am and setting up a dedicated complaint line for addressing problems related to telemarketing, could still be put in place in a couple of months.
Courtesy: Mail Today