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208 trains cancelled since May 21 due to Gurjar community's agitation

208 trains cancelled since May 21 due to Gurjar community's agitation

At least 208 trains have been cancelled and another 109 diverted on alternative routes on the Kota-Mathura track until Wednesday due to Gurjar community's agitation in Rajasthan.

Railways authorities said the track bears the major traffic between south and north zones of the Indian Railways. Railways authorities said the track bears the major traffic between south and north zones of the Indian Railways.

At least 208 trains have been cancelled and another 109 diverted on alternative routes on the Kota-Mathura track until Wednesday due to Gurjar community's agitation in Rajasthan.

Railways authorities said the track bears the major traffic between south and north zones of the Indian Railways.

Train cancellations and diversions have led to an unprecedented level of cancellations of reservations, revised reservation requests and enquiries, said the authorities.

"It may be noted that since the agitation started (on May 21), more than 1.9 lakh cancellations are being done daily against 1.1 lakh cancellations being done normally by IRCTC website (railway booking website)," they said in a statement.

The IRCTC website reported malfunctioning due to the sudden surge of traffic. The number of hits between 10-11 a.m. which are normally in the range of 10 million had went up to 22.3 million since the beginning of the agitation and touched the peak at 30 million on May 22.

"IRCTC website is not geared for such abnormal increase of traffic and hence the reported problems," the statement said.

Published on: May 28, 2015, 11:45 AM IST