Tech resolutions for 2014

It's that time of the year again when we all pledge to change something about ourselves. While making our New Year resolutions, it is important to remember the gadget suffused world we live in.
Whether you are a gadget freak or not, here are some basic tech resolutions that most of us will connect with. Pick from them whatever you feel is the best for you. And promise yourself that you will faithfully implement the resolution this year.
>> I will not check my phone in the middle of the night
>> I will not take any gadget to the bathroom
>> I will not socialise on my phone while socialising with people
>> I will recycle all my old devices including mobiles, laptops, batteries, desktop, etc.
>> I will run anti-virus programmes on all my devices and enable an anti-theft alert on each of them.
>> I will regularly change my password across all my accounts
>> I will not download pirated content
>> I will delete apps and software i don't use from my phone and laptop
>> I will backup all my data
>> I will always plug out my charger when it is not in use