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How to convert 2D into 3D

How to convert 2D into 3D

New technologies being adopted by television makers allows the usual images to gain depth.

It's inevitable that your first big-screen 3D experience ata theatre will leave you thirsting for more. Perhaps you then contemplatedbuying a 3D TV, but realised that with the paucity of 3D content , you'd bebetter off instead bringing home a cheaper Smart TV that would link you to theInternet. Hold on. The difference in the prices of similarly sized Smart LED(40/42 inches) and 3D televisions isn't more than Rs 10,000.

So before you junk the idea of your own 3D movie miniplex athome, just find out if your heart's desire can covert 2D into 3D. The newtechnology being adopted by TV makers allows the regular 2D pictures to get adegree of the depth effect. It may not be true 3D, but your TV is being put tosome gainful use. Also, you get settings to play around with, like increasingthe level of depth to suit your taste. Taking the 40/42 incher as the basemodel with smart functionalities, including Internet access and 3D features, wetell you how three of these TVs score.

Depth Machines

LG LW 4500
Price: Rs 79,990

Screen: 42 inches LED; Viewing angle: 178 degreehorizontally, 26 degree vertically; 3D depth adjustment: Yes (0 to 20 level);2D to 3D content upscale: Live TV, videos played from USB port, online videosfrom YouTube, Facebook and also still images; Settings in 2D to 3D contentupscale: Depth adjustment (0 to 20); View point adjustment (-10 to + 10);Motion Rate: 400 Hz

Bottom line: The set comes with free lightweight 3D glasses.An extra pair will cost you ` 1,000. Cinema 3D effect offers the same 3Dexperience from any viewing angle within range. With the 26-degrees verticalviewing angle, you will have to ensure the screen is correctly placed at eyelevel.

Price: Rs 79,900

Screen: 40 inches LED; Viewing Angle: 120 degree horizontallyand vertically; 3D Depth adjustment: Yes (-2 to +2); 2D to 3D content upscale:Live TV, videos played from USB port, online videos from YouTube, Facebook andstill images; Settings in 2D to 3D content upscale: Stimulated 3D, High, mediumand low; Motion Rate: 200 Hz

Bottom line: Heavy, battery-run glasses and not so great 3Dsettings in comparison with the competitors. Also, as soon as your neck turn abit towards the shoulders, the 3D effect is lost. The active-shutter areexpensive; an extra pair costs ` 6,000. Also higher the motion rate, better themoving picture.


Price: Rs 99,990

Screen: 40 inches LED; Viewing angle: 178 degreehorizontally and vertically; 3D depth adjustment: No; 2D to 3D content upscale:Live TV, videos played from USB port; Settings in 2D to 3D content upscale:Depth adjustment (-10 to +10), perspective adjustment (-5 to +5). Motion rate:400 Hz.

Bottom line: The viewing experience was great on thisproduct, but the heavy Bluetooth glasses run on batteries and need frequentrecharge. Glasses are paired by bringing them near the TV. An additional paircosts Rs 15,000. Also, you cannot adjust the original 3D content depth, afeature that is available in the competitors. Most expensive of the three.

Courtesy: Gadgets and Gizmos
