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Softbank CEO Nikesh Arora is on a roll on Twitter with impromptu Q&A session

Softbank CEO Nikesh Arora is on a roll on Twitter with impromptu Q&A session

The SoftBank President has been active on Twitter for almost an year saying that it's a more efficient way of letting people form an opion of you.

Softbank CEO Nikesh Arora (Sourece: Reuters) Softbank CEO Nikesh Arora (Sourece: Reuters)

SoftBank Corp President and CEO Nikesh Arora has been on a roll on Twitter. He was in news when the former Google executive was paid a whopping $135 million annual salary by SoftBank in the financial year 2014.

Arora, 47, joined SoftBank in September 2014 and was later elevated as its President. Earlier, he was chief business officer of Google Inc, which he joined in 2004 as a telecom industry analyst.

The SoftBank CEO has been active on Twitter for almost an year saying that it's a more efficient way of letting people form an opion of you. In an impromptu question and answer session he answers many more quesitons. Read on for to 15 interesting replies from him:

@SoniAggarwal: Whats made you decide to tweet more ?
Nikesh Arora: Realized was more efficient this way, letting people form their opinion about u, than have media represent who u r.

@narendramodi: Congratulations @sundarpichai. My best wishes for the new role at @google.
Nikesh Arora: Now I feel cheated :). Lol. Congrats @sundarpichai

@shashi_rai: Thoughts on alphabet?
Nikesh Arora:
First thing we teach our kids.

@GabbbarSingh: Just want to see @nikesharora's monthly payslip once
Nikesh Arora:
Would have been more compelling "yeh payslip mujhe de de thakur" :). You will be disappointed. Not happening though.

@arjunpearlseth: When do you sleep:-)
Nikesh Arora:
When my brain stops..I need rest :)

@bombaykibaat: If its not too personal may I ask what mobile device do u which handset. ..and apple or android?
Nikesh Arora:
Already answered. Android.

@AishLohiya: Sir you have so much money, why not open boarding school for brightest of poor Indian children that's the best #IndiaInc can do
Nikesh Arora:
There are lots of great schools in India. I went to kendriya vidyalaya. Think they work!

@Gurpreet__17: Mac or windows?
Nikesh Arora:
Mac....been a while since windows.

@c_aakarsh: What would be your preference in searching for talent in a company? Strong education qualification or experience?
Nikesh Arora:
Three things - cognitive ability, passion and I must be happy to hang out with the person.

@sidsingh23: Favorite books you read during your 20s?
Nikesh Arora:
Have a condition of flash memory. Brain doesnt remember things it deems unwanted. Just hope it helps focus on now.

@Stock_Ameet: Is Indian online market enough big that 5-6 players (flipkart, amazon,dnapdeal,shop clues, etc) coexit?
Nikesh Arora:
No way...:) 2-3.

Thoughts on who best to approach for early stage funding into a healthcare startup? And what they would likely look for?
Nikesh Arora :
India is abuzz with many VC's and this is a great time to be an entrepreneur.

@VivekMittalSlg: Sir may i ask which country & city are you in Now? & which Car you drive?
Nikesh Arora:
Vivek appreciate the questions - prefer to keep my personal life personal. Only one rule.

Do you think being decisive and gutsy is more important than cognition?
Nikesh Arora:
You ask a binary question. Both are important. It's like asking is your brother more important than your sister.

@undercoverpro: What does the MBA part solve? Except the right to lord it to engineers? :)
Nikesh Arora:
Revenge of the nerds- think engineers telling MBA's what to do :). Have one of each so often tell myself what to do.

Published on: Aug 13, 2015, 8:04 PM IST