What is the category of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth ?
The category of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth is Fixed Income - Money Market
What is the current NAV of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth ?
The current NAV of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth
(as on Mar 2, 2025) is
₹ 11.74
How safe is Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth?
The risk level of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth is Low .
What are short term returns given by Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth?
The return given by Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth in
1 month is 0.47%,
3 months is 1.55%,
6 months is 3.15%,
and 1 year is 6.55%.
What are the long term returns given by Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth?
The return given by Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth in
3 years is -- and
5 years is --.
What is the expense ratio of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth?
The expense ratio of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth is
0.05 %
What is the AUM of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth
The assets under Management (AUM) of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth is
Rs 178.42 crores.
What is the minimum investment in Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth?
The minimum Lumpsum investment in Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth is
and the minimum SIP investment in Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth is ₹1000
What is the asset allocation of Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth?
The Shriram Overnight Fund Direct Growth has an exposure of
in Cash
& Money Market Securities