Travel plans at a standstill
Tourism industry accounts for 10 percent of the total global GDP. The sector has been decimated by the COVID-19 crisis. With airlines suspended, borders sealed, flights and trains suspended, the tourism industry is left gasping for air. The UNWTO has been watching closely and has also predicted that this sector has the potential to lead recovery once the crisis has passed. Going by how tourism recovered after the 2008-2009 crisis and the SARS epidemic, it may just turn out to be the hope economies have been looking for. "Our sector will provide the jobs people need to bounce back and will drive economic growth that will help whole communities and countries to recover", the UNWTO chief Zurab Pololikashvili stated in March. But while everyone remains hopeful about the future, it's a fact that it would be some time before we can plan a holiday like we used to in pre-coronavirus days.