Mr. Vaidyanath is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer at Nafa. He has an experience of more than a decade in equity markets first as a research analyst and then as a portfolio manager at Sundaram Asset Management. His track record as a fund manager for Sundaram portfolio managers for almost seven years has been impressive across six diverse strategies. He has delivered consistent returns outperforming the portfolio benchmarks by over 100% across strategies till December 2015 when he relinquished charge. His ability to stay way ahead of the broad market in bearish phases is a key strength. Under watch, the asset base of Sundaram Portfolio Managers rose 12-fold to Rs 1300 Crores in a period encompassed by short bullish and bearish phases and a high degree of volatility. High conviction, lengthy holding period, low churn and willingness to stay in cash are integral to his fund management style. With Mr. Vaidyanath as a CEO and CIO, Nafa offers prospective investors a platform that rests on a solid footing.
NAFA Small Cap Portfolio seeks to invest in small cap businesses with visionary management having potential to scale up and grow exponentially over a 5 to 7 year time frame.
Investment Approach
Quality Management, ROCE greater than Cost of Capital, Growth at Reasonable Price